“PICK UP STYX”, Low Kian Seh

So I was on Grab app, and picked a destination within Singapore River, putting “take the highway to Hell” in remarks. A driver accepted the job! Strange name, Charon. When I asked him why I was charged 1 obol and not SGD, he replied, “Part of a bitcoin suffices too”, but it’s all Greek to me. Guy deserved 5 stars for absolute silence otherwise.

pick up Styx


there is really an app for everything
when even the ferryman crosses over
to technology, which takes its toll
from cyberspace. a boat is not
a good Grab. real challenge is trying
to explain “underworld” does not entail
organized crime, while globalisation means
now all roads can lead to roaming the same hell.

/ Low Kian Seh has a chemical engineering degree but is an artist to a larger degree. He is a chemistry teacher by occupation but has poetry as preoccupation. For the love of the craft, he makes time to write, despite being a busy civil servant and father-of-three. His works had been published in SingPoWriMo anthologies, A Luxury We Cannot Afford, A Luxury We Must Afford, Twin Cities, Anima Methodi, Contour and Seven Hundred Lines. He won first prize in Singapore’s National Poetry Competition 2019, and he is better known for his twin cinema poem, “Singaporean Son”, that had gone viral, twice.