"Queer Resistance From a Buried Kampung", Lune Loh

The Bissu foretold oppressors 
that liberate, liberators that 
oppress, sex and gods bound 
to erasure, even with prayer.

The Manang Bali cursed into 
Pontianaks, doomed to rip 
every organ of puritanic men:
slaves to gendered frangipanis.

The Basir's seances have ceased
in efficiency against the Leyak:
loss of relevance via the other 
swallowed by foreign imports.

The Waria, born on the cusp of sea 
routes, traded qi with Huilijing
coolies, housed threatened Sirena;
rituals in the spirit of commerce.

/ Lune Loh is a core member of /s@BER, a Singaporean writing collective, and is currently an Undergraduate at the National University of Singapore. Her works have been published in SOFTBLOW, Cha: An Asian Literary Journal, Cordite Poetry Review, 聲韻詩刊 Voice & Verse Poetry Magazine, Math Paper Press's SingPoWriMo 2017: The Anthology and SingPoWriMo 2018: The Anthology, and Squircle Line Press's Anima Methodi anthology.

She dreams of fully-automated lesbian communal kampungs.  

2019.1Daryl Qilin YamPoetry