"Tunnel #7", Lawdenmarc Decamora
i wonder what the boy was thinking | yeah
the geomancer explained | there was math
in the culture of cotton candy calculus
& in the garden | a late consumption
was so obvious | to swallow the boy’s desires
his pirouetting imagination | his face losing
a smile | once disrupted by facts & figures
disappointed he touched fire | or the logic of it
or the second skin it shed for romance | the subject
no book could ever tell | cite | write | but story
endings belonged to the boy’s crying | those signs
freeing tiny feet from charts & footnotes | they hang
around him like fireflies | like instructions
for dancing | winked the lights to the geomancer
eyes of risk that mouth shadows | to be random
still | to be like earth that split & form | perhaps
it’s only me | & not the boy | who saw magic
in math | when met by the very truth | by the process
the geomancer uncovered | from the book of love