Posts in 2022.5
"Self Portrait as a Shadow", Conan Tan

CW: self-harm, suicide, depression and homophobic slurs

In another dream just like this one, you belonged to me. You, and that tide pool reflection. That's how things were before everything hemorrhaged as the ocean. Summer of ’99 when the morning had set sail and I was sissy with a conch shell. That’s what they called me then.

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"Death Penalty for Cutie", Lune Loh

CW: death, misogyny, drugs, bodily harm, sexual + domestic violence

Solidarity on Facebook? Apparently, people get together to rehearse the scientific truth of Law and Order. Death to criminals, to the disenfranchised, to the margins. I felt, I thought, I wished: how nice it would be to be able to relate to someone, but I cannot touch another's hand while they find safety in being faceless, safety via misreading the violence done to all of us.

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